As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have a hard time sitting down. Don't get me wrong, I love T.V. and I love reading, but I always feel like there's something else I should be doing when I'm engaged in either of those things. Right now is a perfect example -- I worked this morning, raced home to pick up Madeleine for preschool, and then rushed back in the door to put Owen down for his nap. The kids were with their beloved babysitter this morning and the house shows it -- toys everywhere! I cleaned the downstairs bedrooms, put on a pot of coffee, and jumped on the computer. The couch looks so appealing and I could use a few minutes of mindless distraction, but while the sun is shining I have a problem indulging in leisure activity (and lying on the couch watching morning television is considered leisure in my book). I'm obviously not unique in my obsession to keep busy -- I realize that many people have a hard time relaxing, too. There are others, my husband for example, who can do what needs to be done and not worry about the rest of it, especially if it's going to impede on any scheduled relaxation-time. I remember quietly seething a couple of weeks ago over his ability to watch sports on a Saturday afternoon while I raced around emptying groceries and trash cans, and picking up what seemed like a thousand toys. The kitchen needed to be swept and mopped, laundry needed to be folded. These were all urgent to me. I was part angry that he didn't see the significance in completing these tasks and part incredulous that he could happily focus on T.V. while all the other "priorities" fell to the wayside.

I'm lucky to be married to someone that is similar to me in ways that matter (common interests and beliefs, general outlook on life), but different in ways that give us balance. If I was married to someone who couldn't stop to smell the roses, we'd never slow down to enjoy the daily pleasures of life. I have to work at being more present and stop myself from constantly thinking of the next thing on the list. I need to allow myself to lie on the couch more and sink into a book. These things are just as important as daily exercise and good nutrition because it gives the brain a much needed break. My husband falls asleep within 2 minutes at night because he knows when to work and when to play; he knows how to turn-off the chatter in his head (another ability of which I'm in awe). While he may not see the necessity of always having a crumb-free kitchen floor, he does appreciate cleanliness and order -- just not in place of well-deserved leisure.

As a multi-tasking mom of two toddlers, organization is a must. Life runs much more smoothly if the kids take their daily naps, eat well-balanced meals, and have time to play outdoors in the fresh air. These are all things I must fit into each day in order to maintain their happiness and mine. But I also need to show them that along with schedules, there needs to be spontaneity. Sometimes it's okay to skip naps or push back bedtimes, just like it's okay to leave laundry unfolded and dirty dishes in the sink. Definitely an important lesson worth learning.

I'll add it to my to-do list.

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