As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Runner's High

I didn't think I had it in me to run this morning. The kids woke up early - I first heard Owen a little after 5am - and after an exhausting week, I just didn't know if I'd be able to pull out a long run. I signed up for the L.A. Marathon and I haven't started training for it yet (it isn't until March), but I am trying to get a few extra miles under my feet on Saturdays. I set out a little before 9am and, surprisingly, I felt good from the minute I started. I don't know about other people, but I don't think there are too many things in life quite as satisfying as a good run. Even though I've been running for years, every run is still different. Most take effort, but not enough effort that I don't want to do again the next day. Only occasionally do I have a run that's completely effortless, and when that happens I feel pure joy. Those are the times that revelations occur, and the most insurmountable obstacles overcome. It just so happened that today was one of those days. What a wonderful surprise!

I have to admit, I also run because I like to say I'm a runner. There's an unspoken bond shared between people that run. It's like being a member of a secret club you that you never actually knew you joined, but you're always a member as long as you get outside and run. This club has no prejudices -- you can be 20 or 80, you can be 100 lbs. or 300 lbs., male/female, any ethnicity. All are welcome. When runners pass each other, there's an understanding that's expressed in the most simple gesture - a nod, a wink, a quick wave. Sometimes that's all I need to help me get through the last mile. I don't know if it's the competitiveness that makes me move faster when I see another runner or the encouragement I get just by seeing another person out there, committed to moving no matter how slow or how fast they are. All I do know is that I feel better when I run and I also feel inspired when I see other runners. That's enough to keep me devoted.

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