As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Family Matters

I feel so lucky to live in the same city as my family. My parents were just over taking care of the kids while I worked this morning, and I feel so fortunate that my children get to spend time with them. My grandparents live out of the country so I never had the opportunity to develop a close relationship with them when I was young. I wouldn't say that it impacted me greatly as a child, but as a mother I now see the unique relationship that exists between grandparents and their grandchildren, and I would hate for my kids to have missed out on that. Besides having their support as occasional babysitters (and I say occasional because my parents have extremely busy social lives), it's also nice getting their advice and being able to share the joys as well as the stresses of parenting with them. I'm also especially fortunate to have good friends, who I consider extended family, in the same phase of life as me. The weekends wouldn't be the same if we couldn't get our kids together in one loud, chaotic house, and enjoy a glass of wine while chatting in what's always interrupted, sporadic conversation. For me, it takes this type of support to be the best mother I can be. I need my girlfriends as sounding-boards and my parents as examples, to keep me sane and grounded.

Last week both of my children were very sick. I had to take Madeleine to the ER on Monday night for a fever that shot up to 104 degrees. She's fine now, thank goodness, but we had to spend the week in isolation because of bronchitis. As a working mother with only a few hours of help each week, I was reminded again of how much I depend on seeing family and friends to break up the days. When the kids are sick, that isn't an option so an already tiring day becomes much more exhausting (especially by 6pm!). Don't get me wrong - I relish staying home with my little ones, and I'm so grateful that I have the luxury of being with them most hours of the day (I schedule clients early mornings and weekends for that reason) - but I would be lying if I said I don't need an occasional break. Seeing my father for an hour or having a late-afternoon playdate with a girlfriend and her children provides this much needed release. And for that, both my children and I are better off. As Madeleine and Owen get older, I hope they recognize the importance of these relationships and how much they enrich our lives.

There are so many mothers out there that do everything on their own without the support network I have, and they do a fantastic job. I tip my hat to these superwomen. If I didn't have family and friends around, I'm dedicated enough and resourceful enough that I think I would still be a good parent, but I'm really glad I'm not in a position where I have to find out. For now, I'll keep calling my mom for advice and leaning on my girlfriends for reassurance. I know better than to look a gift-horse in the mouth.

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