As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Food for thought

Exercise is a key element on the path to a better, longer, healthier life, but it goes hand in hand with proper nutrition. I haven't met too many people in my life that don't struggle with food - whether one eats too much or too little, ingests too much sugar, too much fat, too little fat - the list of dysfunctional eating habits goes on an on. I don't have one magic solution that can solve all these issues, and I should clarify that I had my own battles with food when I was a teenager and in my early twenties, but through it all (and with plenty of classes on nutrition and health), I've learned quite a bit. I'm at a point now where I realize that certain combinations of food are essential in keeping the body functioning at its best. If I, personally, don't eat a balanced diet, I feel sluggish and unsatisfied. That doesn't mean I don't have indulgent days -I definitely do - I just know that I feel better, mentally and physically, and I perform better when I eat meals that have nutritional value.

With this in mind, I'd like to use this blog once per week as a forum for healthy meal ideas. I'll share one recipe that I'm cooking for the week, and others are welcome to comment or share their own recipes. I'm often asked what I eat and what I shop for at Trader Joe's (where I buy most of my food). I'm more than happy to share this information and hope that I can give some suggestions that will make life in the kitchen a little more interesting. As a bonus, my sister-in-law Shelley, who was a Registered Dietitian before having four (!) children, will occasionally chime in and share her own opinions and suggestions. Together, we can tackle some of the dysfunctional eating habits we all fall prey to.

For today, let's focus on getting the exercise our bodies desperately need and the healthy foods our bodies craves. I'll post a recipe later today and start posting them weekly on Wednesdays. Looking forward to cooking with you!

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