As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Labor of love

I originally began writing this blog so potential clients could get to know me better before committing to work with me. The personal trainer/client relationship is unique, and I would be foolish to assume that I'm the right fit for everyone. I also started this blog as a way of keeping in touch with my distant relatives and friends. As you can see by the date of the last entry, I've failed miserably at making updates. I can blame a lot of things - the constant chaos associated with raising two young children, the increasing demands of my growing business, the overall lack of free time in general. But, reasons aside, it really comes down to time management and I haven't balanced my time well during these last months.

I'm happy to say that I've been kept busy with the things that make my life rich. Owen turned two in early November and Madeleine just celebrated her 4th birthday in February. Keeping up with the kids is an exhausting, but immeasurably gratifying task. Madeleine is a girl in every sense of the word; she loves princesses, fairies, dresses, and makeup. And she could color for hours straight, which is a true blessing because it gives me the occasional break. Having grown up as a tomboy, I'm tremendously unskilled when it comes to braiding hair, painting fingernails, and sewing tattered princess dresses back together, so this is a learning curve for me. Our conversations have become much more grown-up and I relish in hearing her observations and opinions.

Owen is very much in the "terrible-two" phase. To say he's head-strong and determined is an understatement. I'd like to say Keith is responsible for passing along the stubborn gene, but unfortunately, that comes from me. My parents have no reservations telling me how amusing it is watching me go head to head with a toddler, much like they did with me. I guess it's payback for all the stand-offs they had when I was his age. While definitely a challenge, Owen is also extremely entertaining. His sense of humor already shines, even at two years old. Sometimes I feel like I'm dealing with an older soul when I can tell by the look in his eyes that whatever I'm laughing at is exactly what he intended. He adores music and usually strolls through the house singing. His favorite song right now is 'Rudolph the Red-Noised Reindeer', and he has no problem blaring out his version of the lyrics for anyone that might be listening. Luckily, the kids are wonderful pals. Their personalities balance each other, as Madeleine is much more mild-natured, responsible, and reserved, while Owen is outgoing, curious, and unafraid. It's so rewarding to watch them grow together and influence one another.

I've been lucky enough to find a manageable balance between work and motherhood due largely to the help of my babysitter. She's been instrumental in caring for the kids while I'm off to sessions early in the morning, especially when Keith is out of town for business. I'm thankful everyday for her as nothing would be worthwhile if I thought my kids weren't happy. Once I leave the house, I'm able to completely focus on the client I'm working with. Over the last 3 months I've started training 5 new people. It's been interesting and enlightening to learn how to challenge each person. I have to stay on my toes in order to keep things fresh, and the only way to do that is to read as much as possible about fitness. It also forces me to push myself in my workouts so that I can lead by example, because I would never feel comfortable telling someone to do something that I haven't done myself. I'm still working with my previous clients as well, and I'm so fortunate to watch their progress. I'm equally fortunate to have established genuine relationships with each person, and I truly consider them dear friends. Because I care about them so much, I feel an added responsibility to make sure their workouts are structured to the best of my ability. I take the sessions seriously, but not so much that we can't get lost in conversation (which we quite often do). With each person, I've learned something new, both about the service I'm trying to provide and about myself. It's the type of job that never becomes dull, and to have discovered this passion in my thirties is such an unexpected gift.

Everything I do right now is a labor of love. I can honestly say, as most mothers can, that I'm never fully rested - I don't know that last time I've seen 8 AM in bed - but I still feel like I'm completely in my element. Motherhood, friendships, and work have more meaning because they don't come easy. There are days when I feel like I do everything wrong in each of those roles, but most of the time I know I'm doing the absolute best I can and that let's sleep soundly at night. Even if it's only for six hours.