As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Spring Fever

I don't know about anyone else, but this weather makes me want to be outside doing something active all day long. Over the weekend we attempted to take the kids on a hike and picnic at Will Rogers Park. The hike wasn't a huge success, but my desire to be out in nature, enjoying the sunshine was more than satisfied. After our nature walk (hike is an overstatement), we spread a picnic blanket, ate some lunch, and kicked a soccer ball around for as long as the kids could tolerate it. Overall, a wonderful way to spend a beautiful afternoon.

It's no surprise that people who live in colder, overcast climates are heavier, have higher incidences of depression, and are less active. Less sunlight is proven to bring on "winter blues" in some populations. The few weeks per year that we get bad weather in California definitely impacts me (and I realize that our "bad" weather -- temps below 50 and rain -- doesn't constitute bad weather in most places). It's much easier to come up with an excuse not to workout if it's raining outside. It takes greater effort if one has to bundle up to take a run, or get in the car to drive to the gym, especially when heavy rain or snow is a factor. Of course, plenty of people do live in places with severe winter conditions and are still fully committed to exercising. My brother-in-law lives in the suburbs of Chicago, and competes in one or two Ironman races per year. That means he has to find ways to run, bike, and swim through the coldest months of winter. Obviously he can do his training indoors but, from experience, I know that isn't easy. I had to do one of my long runs on a treadmill while training for the L.A. marathon because it was pouring outside, and that meant 12 miles in a stuffy gym. Those 12 miles felt more like 20, and it's nothing I want to repeat.

The point is, we're spoiled in California. The sun is usually shining, but on days when it's so clear you can see Catalina, and the temperature hovers around 78 degrees, I feel even more energized and lucky to be alive. We got a taste of those days over the weekend, and I know many more are right around the corner. On Sunday I enrolled Madeleine in soccer, and Keith proposed that he and I start taking weekend hikes -- just like we used to when we lived in the Bay Area prior to children. All of this inspired by beautiful sunshine. Weather aside, exercise is still exercise, but it doesn't feel quite as much like work when you're running next to the ocean or riding along it on the bike path. Every place has its perks, and the next coming months really allows me to focus on the biggest one here in California. I won't take it for granted.

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