As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Monday, March 8, 2010

When life gives you lemons...

I have a client who could give me one of many reasons why she shouldn't workout; she's the president of her own company and works 12 hour days, she's a mother to a grown son who is ill and therefore depends on her for everything, she's dealing with other personal issues that consume her time and her energy. Most people would have trouble handling one of these obligations, but she manages all of them and still finds time to workout with me 3 days per week. Did I mention she's in her sixties? I've said before that the people I train inspire me and keep me driven. She is an example of that.

Unless exercise has been a part of your life for years and is as ingrained in your routine as brushing your teeth, then it's difficult to find the consistent motivation to commit. But once you realize that exercise is key in keeping your brain and body healthy, it doesn't become a choice anymore -- it becomes a necessity. That's not to say it doesn't take dedication to remain diligent, it's just harder to find legitimate excuses not to exercise when you know how much it benefits you. Over the past few months, my children have been sick at least once every couple of weeks. It's inevitable with toddlers. Preschool, parks, libraries -- germs are everywhere and toddlers seem to attract them all. Even with all the coughing, sneezing, runny noses, and trips to the hospital I haven't been sick in ages. There have been times when I've felt a sore throat coming on or slight congestion building, but I've forced myself to workout and, without fail, I've always been symptom free the following day. I'm proof that exercise keeps the immune system strong.

Unfortunately, exercising can't take away all of the responsibilities of the aforementioned client. She still has to deal with the same daily stresses, but she's better equipped because she prioritizes her health. If we really want to give ourselves the best advantages in life, then we need to make sure we're putting our best foot forward. We can only do that if we're as healthy as possible and that can only be achieved through regular exercise.

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