As we aspire to achieve balance through fitness and proper nutrition, we allow our best selves to shine. This blog is dedicated to the effort involved in realizing that balance.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Taking the good with the bad

Is it because I was raised a strict Catholic or is it innate in all of us? Guilt constantly plagues me. Whether it's because I lost my patience with my three year old or wasn't the best friend I could be, there's usually something to feel guilty about. During the day I'm more rational but at night, while lying in bed, I recount my actions from the day and that's when the guilt washes over me like cold water. It startles me and usually keeps me up for quite a while. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't fault myself for everything -- just the instances where I could have been better. I carry this with me in every aspect of life -- exercising, my relationship with my husband, my friends and family, the way I parent my children. Guilt is good because it keeps me aware of my faults, but it's burdensome too. I realize that feeling guilty isn't productive in the sense that there isn't a way to go back and change a situation. Regrets in life keep us looking backwards instead of forwards, and that's not something I enjoy doing or want to pass along to my children. But, again, guilt also allows me to be introspective and highlights the things I need to work on within myself. I guess if I look at it that way, then it could be considered a valuable quality. We're all dealt different cards in life and a part of growing up is figuring out how to play the best hand. I wouldn't say having a guilty conscience is one of my 'good cards', but it is a part of who I am and there's no use in feeling guilty for feeling guilty. Right?

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